Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Mars weds Venus!!!
The Capped Environmentalist!
Saturday, January 28, 2012
ATM outsmarts my Free Will :)
In Bangalore… No cash… hunt for an ATM begins!!! HDFC ATM peeps at me from behind the Shilton hotel…. I negotiate the traffic to quench my wallet’s thirst… on the way, I calculate the number of times this month, I have used a non-my-bank ATM … only once… I am safe… won’t have to pay the fees… I insert the card…
“Enter your pin”
- Continue
- Cancel
“Type of account”
- Savings
- Current
“Enter amount”
- Continue
- Cancel
“Do you want a printed receipt?”
- No
- Yes
I thought for a sec, looked around and said WOW!!!
No, I wasn’t amazed at the mystery of a machine throwing money at me… neither had the machine thrown out some extra notes of paper to amaze me. Rather, I was amazed because it hadn’t!!! It dint give me the printed receipt of the transaction... even when I wanted it to!!!
Here is the reason. By the end of the first three questions, the machine got me into a habit of pressing the first button every time… and when it asked me about the transaction receipt, I pressed “No”… Out of habit!!!
When I looked around, the waste bin (where we tear and throw the transaction receipts) was almost empty. Which meant, either it was emptied recently or the order of “No”/ “Yes” buttons actually worked… and saved paper!!!
If a small consumer behavior trick like this is emulated by all the banks at every ATM, a lot of paper would be saved. Don’t you think so? :)
-- Go GREEN people!!! Its a soothing color :)