After years of research and studying 3586 couples, I've come to answer the question which troubled the universe for 89 centuries. Why Mars weds Venus? After all, they are two alien species from completely different worlds -worlds on either side of the blue planet!!!
Why Men marry Women?
Simple answer. “Women Are Better And Smarter Than Men” (It is underlined, bold and in quotes). Every species tries to evolve. And what better way than mutate with a superior species?
Now, if you are convinced about that, you would obviously ask, if men marry women because they are superior; then why do women marry the 'Inferior' men?
Why Women marry Men?
Simple answer again. Women believe that...
ICMS Alert: Violation Detected!!!
Reference : 'What earthlings should never know'
Rule Number : 1
Rule Descr : EARTHLING or NON-EARTHLING temporarily/permanently residing on earth should NEVER, ever in his lifetime, UNDERSTAND WOMAN. Period!!!
Action taken : Removed the content violating aforementioned rule. Author's infected memories have been cleared.
## Interstellar Content Monitoring System - toll free number: 1800 808080
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